Sunday, February 20, 2011

circle questions


1. As a educators, how can you give learning approach to your students?
2. What is the importance of  having theory,learning style and learning environment?
3. As a teacher,why it is the important to know and learn about the difference and strengths among learners?
4. How authentic assessment help the teacher to improve the learning of learners?
5 Why is it important to have an evaluation regarding the progress of your school?

1.What is the relationship of  socio political influences on assessment practices in the authentic assessment of young children?
2. Why does young children have an innate need to know the competent, eager, trustworthy student?
3. Why does the global teacher need to create time in their schedule individually and other professional to know the artifacts of the authentic assessment process?
4. As a teacher why do we need to know the child's growth, development, learning as a additional information?
5. How does the important of the curriculum content  affect the authentic assessment?

1. By exploring client experiences, how does discussion affect one's relationship?
2. If your family encountered a problem right now, how do you solve it?would you consult to the therapist or not?
3. As a clinician why should we not be bias to our client?
4. Why do we need a broad explanation for the time line of our client?
5. If you were the therapist? How can you help your client to solve their family problem?

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