Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Human is a product of their experiences. The goodness or badness of one's personality depends upon the person itself. In reality everyone wants to be different that's why they say everyone is a unique individual. A healthy personality is the result of a person experiences forming a meaningful whole, an inherent tendency of people to grow and move in healthy directions. Human have the responsibility to manipulate his life. He has the full control and manager of his life. Expectations and goals for the future motivated human activity and provided the capacity for the social interest, the most important goal toward which people strive.


Characterized by a lack of awareness, self-responsibility, act with environment, denial of needs. If we fail to live in a state of awareness  of our being we  inevitably develop psychopathology. This state of being has the potential for great anxiety which can lead to self-deception and ever-greater  maladaptive behavior. It can result from insufficient cues to predict consequences or from  inadequate reinforcement. One of the most painful maladaptive behavior stems from an ever severe set of self standard, and the resulting excess of self-criticism.


Helps the client find purpose and meaning of meaning of life. This approach strives to help persons move in the direction of every increasing actualization and integration. Seeks not to solve problem but to facilitate a process in which clients may know who they really are and become fully functioning human beings.Tries to help individuals,assume responsibility for themselves rather than relying on other to make decisions for them. To help the clients achieve autonomy that is, to assume responsibility for their own actions or feelings, to take control of their lives, to plan and direct their own destinies, and to throw off any perceptions that in are appropriate for living here and now.


The major task of YOU therapy is to provide a climate of safety and trust in which will encourage clients to reintegrate their self-actualizing and self-valuing process. The work of therapy s viewed as collaborative, where the client and the counselor  are partners, working toward mutually , agreed upon and clearly  identified goals. Counselor's is invested not in analysis but in encouragement.


In this therapy typically begins with a contact between client and therapist, which includes statements about what the clients hope to achieve and what the counselors will do, as well as specific criteria for knowing when the goal has been achieved.


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